Camera Combat and Flowers!!

The class decided to head over to the Sonoma Horticultural Nursery located in Sebastopol, Ca. for a field trip day. It was cloudy, sunny, raining, and the light was all over the lace in spurts which made for an interesting day of photography. It was a lot of fun! There was easily 12 of my classmates there, and we were the only ones there which we had the run of the place. 

The Sonoma Horticultural Nursery was huge! A lot of beautiful plants, flowers, statues, bridges, fountains, and you even need to be on the look out for their alligator!! ;) So why did we all head over to the nursery on a rainy not so great looking day you ask? To photograph everything! Honestly the clouds created a great filter from the sun. Although we weren't getting the light we needed for faster shutter speeds, we definitely had the advantage of even lighting conditions which I'll trade for shutter speeds any day of the week. Cloud cover acts like a giant light box which is great.  A tripod would have been helpful for precision focusing, and drinking two cups of coffee that morning probably wasn't the best idea. I was literally shacking all over the place trying to steady the camera.

We even had a little Camera war going on through out the nursery. You would feel all alone in the moment with whatever flower subject you were photographing, and then all of a sudden, in between shots you would relize that someone 50 yards away was taking your picture while you were deep in thought. So the Camera Combat began. You had to be stealthy otherwise you would get the cheesy smile of your classmate. Which works most of the time, but in this jungle like environment it was the "consecration" look you were going for. 
The photos that are accompanying todays entry were taken that day and adjusted in photoshop. Levels, color correction using the "Color Balance" to get rid of unwanted green casts, saturation, and then sharpened.
As always please feel free to contact me regarding any work regarding photography, questions regarding photography, these shots, or purchasing any photos. Thanks again for stopping by!!

O yea!! I'd also like to thank the guys at Lowepro for sending me their CompuRover AW. I'll be giving a full review in a few weeks after I've used. Thanks guys! (if you would like your product reviewed please feel free to contact me)