Community Education Classes

I want to start of by saying thanks for stopping by, and also send a shout out to the Sonoma County Photographers meet up group! Their pictures were awesome from their outing at the Jack London State Park last weekend. I look forward to meet all of you very soon!

If your in or around the Sonoma County area and are interested in Photography, but don't really know to much about it...? Well there are some great resources that you might find helpful.

Has a whole bunch of one day classes from Beginning-Intermediate digital photography, Flash photography, as well as wedding photography (I'll be at the wedding one :D) class.. The prices vary from class to class so check out the the link above for prices

This meet up group looks like a lot of fun. I signed up about a week or so ago and I'm looking forward to the next meet up. A Really good bunch of people use the website to meet up at take photographs. There are some really knowledgable people willing to give advice and have fun while doing it. Last week they went to the Jack London State Park, and they all came back with a bunch of great photos. You can read all you want about photography, but unless you get out there with someone who knows what there doing then it can be discurauging. If your not in the Sonoma County then probly has a photography meet up near you. Check it out!!
Here is another link kinda geared towards the "North Bay" as my girlfriend likes to call it. I tend to disagree cause is Santa Rosa or Rohnert Park touching any part of the Bay.. Or any part of ocean that would make up a bay? No Sir.. ;) In any case the Santa Rosa Photographic Society has been around for a really long time. They hold contest twice a month, have a rating system that you work your way through, and a place to present your work for critique. There is a fee each year, but in my opinion would be well worth it if you were looking to excel or get advice from a very talented group of photographers.

I said something about not typing a whole lot because I don't like to write, and there were going to be tons of pictures.. Well....