Study of Light in Relationship to Colors

The Study of Light and it's Relationship to Color. That's a mouth full right? That was I was thinking when I picked up a book on Color. The book isn't even about the study of light and it's relationship to color at all. It's actually about painting with oil, acrylic, and water colors which was absolutely a hoot. I was just looking for inspiration in other mediums when I came across this book at the SRJC Library. After reading the first page on how much colors mean so many different things to so many different people, how light can literally change a colors tonal value because of it's direction, and did you know that there are actually colors that complement one another? 

With all of this on the first page of the book I was excited to wake up today and put all of this theory to work. So this is going to be the first installment of my "Study of Light in Relationship to Color" with table top photography (Thanks Mike for the inspiration). Hopefully I'll get my buddy Mike to write a "Creative Approach to the Study of Light in Relationship to Color." *Hint Hint*

So the main differences your going to see in the photos that accompany this post are the direction of light. The tonal values of whites, greens, and blues. As well as a photo comparison of artificial and ambient light.

Please take note as your going through the photos where the light it coming from, the tonal vaulues of the Coffee/Tea Cups, and consider how each differs from the previous. 

Back lighting back lighting back lighting. Love this look. the rim of the tea/coffee cup stays white, while the front of the cup is completely in engulfed into it's own shadow.

Side lighting on the white coffee/tea cup shows us a different shade of white. Almost a cream color.

Here we are looking at top lighting on the white backdrop. The top of the cup remains true to it's color, while the bottom of the cup has a bit darker shade of white which is from the reflection coming from the paper.

There are more photos on my flickr page.

Please feel free to contact me via email or phone with any questions you may have, freelance jobs you need full filled, or anything else photography at

Thanks again for stopping by.

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