MonoChrome Mania!!

Welcome back to Tripod Diaries!! Today I got some announcements to make, and some photos to share that I shot yesterday while catching up with a friend. So lets get to it..

So my friend told me about this photographer on Flickr who is doing some really good work named Nathan Wirth. His work really reminds me of Hiroshi Sugimoto Seascapes that are really good. Sugimoto also has some really great theater picks. So after looking at these works of art I was inspired to go out and shoot some "Monochrome" images. Whats a Monochrome image you ask? It's a fancy word for Black and White.You can create Monochrome (fancy blank and white word again) images pretty easy using Photoshop or other image editing software. I used Adobe light room for these, and as it turns out Light Room as more options for adjusting colors then Photoshop sooo I might actually end up buy Lightroom for the soul purpose of doing these. It's a lot of fun!

I added a Blue 80A filter to my camera for these. Just to get the blue cast over all of the images and create some real drama. You can use all types of different color for this, but it just so happens I had a blue one in my bag. I plan on getting more very soon. Purple, yellow, red, and the list goes and goes..

Also.. Remember to shoot your images in color because if you shoot in the "Black and White" mode of your camera, you tend to loose information through the camera processing it (learned this in Digital Photography Class the other day).

Afterwords, open them in your photo editor, process the images as you normally would if you were going to keep them in color adjusting exposure, white balance etc.. etc.. Then be sure to get a good true black in there. That will really help the image when you convert it to grays scale. Hit the gray scale button, and then adjust the the sliders to get the image to your liking!

I know I know.. Pretty broad explanation, but I'm doing that because there are sooo many programs that edit photos and I have no idea what everyone is using. Sooo if you need help in a particular application, send me an email and I'll have no problem trying to help you further.


Soo I'm going to be launching Tripod Diaries and my personal website later the spring which is exciting!
Hopefully I'll be adding another voice to Tripod Diaries. Your friend and mine Micheal Rutherford. Great guy who is very knowledgeable and really has a way of creating photos like no other. He'll be sharing images, and dropping knowledge on how he got those images.

Also I've been sending out emails to photography equipment companies in hopes to get some products to review, and ads to their products will soon start popping up on the site. When that happens I'll link to a particular product with a review of that product. Which will be great experience!

Got a few trips in the works to Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Tahiti, and a four day California Coast trip!

Also going to do a little fund raising this year for the American Cancer Society. I'm going to start the team "Smile for a Cure". Setting up small portrait booths at grocery stores around the area. If you'd like to help raise some money to find a cure for cancer contact me for details.

So things are looking good for 2010. Hope you guys also check out the Olympics.

As always feel free to contact me via email with questions, freelance gigs regarding photography (will discuss rates based on job), and anything else photography.


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
Nikon D90 DX 12.3MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S VR DX Nikkor Zoom Lens